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Food Products, Merchants

Safety Group #472

Date Established: November 1, 1962

Current Discount: 230%

5-Year Dividend Average: 12.2%

Most Recent Dividend: 20%

Eligible Codes:

  • 2095 (Meat Products Mfg.)
  • 6504 (Food Sundries)
  • 8021 (Meat, Fish & Poultry (Wholesale))
  • 8048 (Fruits & Vegetable (Wholesale))

Exception codes will be considered by special request.


Safety Group #522

Date Established: November 1, 1989

Current Discount: 25%

5-Year Dividend Average: 25%

Most Recent Dividend: 25%

Eligible Codes:

  • 7219 (Truckmen-NOC)
  • 7389 (Drivers, Chauffeurs, Helpers)
  • 8209 (Vegetable Packing- No Canning)
  • 8048 (Fruits & Vegetable (Wholesale)

Exception codes will be considered by special request.

  • Food Sundries
  • Long Haul Trucking
  • Short Haul Trucking
  • Fruit or Vegetable Wholesale
  • Vegetable Packing
  • Building Operations


GCG represents food products manufacturers and wholesalers as manager of the Food Products Safety Group #472. This program has provided safety and savings to the Food Products industry for over 50 years.

Eligible Employers Include, but are not limited to those engaged in the following:

  • Meat Products
  • Fish Products
  • Poultry Products
  • Pork Products
  • Produce
  • Butter Makers
  • Nuts and Nut Butter
  • Condiments including Mustard, Ketchup, Horseradish
  • Coffee & Tea
  • Bottled Water
  • Ice Cream
  • Flavorings and Creams
  • Dried Food Products
  • Pre-prepared Foods
  • Canned Foods
  • Packaged Foods
  • Food Sundries

Hunts Point Terminal Market Produce Coop Association Safety Group #522:

GCG represents the Hunts Point Terminal Market Produce Coop Association Safety Group #522 and provides claims services. This program has provided savings to members of the NYC Hunts Point Terminal Market for 44 years. The market caters to the largest ethnically diverse region in the world.

GCG also provides Workers’ Compensation services to large retail supermarkets and others engaged in the food industry on a direct basis.

Guaranteed Cost Programs

Guaranteed Cost programs are available for those employers who seek a fixed cost for their Workers’ Compensation insurance. The policyholder receives an advance premium discount, which guarantees that, regardless of the insured’s experience in a policy year, the premium will remain at a fixed cost for the policy period. There are generally no dividends available under a fixed cost insurance program. GCG Risk Management, Inc. acts as the policyholder representative for accounts in the General Group of the New York State Insurance Fund. GCG provides Workers’ Compensation insurance, claims, and safety services for its clients. GCG usually charges a fixed cost annual fee, billed monthly to the employer.

GCG will provide a quote for these programs under “Request a Proposal.”

Value-Added Services

Audit & Classification Review

  • Experience Rating Review
  • Payroll Audit & Code Classification
  • Negotiate Reclassification of Payroll
  • Claims Audit and Reserve Review

Workers’ Comp Law & Regulation

  • Integration with FMLA/ADA Downloadable (PDF & doc)
  • Cost Change Updates for Budgetary Planning

Claims Services for Insurance Programs

  • FROI – First Report of Injury
  • Claims Processing
  • Claims Monitoring
  • Review Loss Reserves
  • Interface with Carrier Claims Dept. & Rating Board

Safety Group Programs

Safety Group programs are available for groups of employers within the same industry. Each policyholder generally receives an advance premium discount. Approximately nine months after the conclusion of the policy period, each insured receives its share of the group dividend, regardless of each insured’s individual experience.

GCG Risk Management, Inc. manages several State Insurance Fund Safety Groups. As the Safety Group Manager of these groups, GCG provides insurance, claims, and safety services for its group clients (Workers’ Compensation Services). Members are charged a fee as a percentage of their premium. This fee is all-inclusive, entitling the member to receive all group services. Certain groups require separate membership in a sponsoring association with separate association dues.

GCG will provide a quote for these programs under “Request a Proposal.”

Our consulting firm, Gnesin, Cates & Grimm, provides insurance, claims, and safety services to other Brokers/Group Managers, on retainer, with respect to their safety group programs.

Value-Added Services

Audit & Classification Review

  • Experience Rating Review
  • Payroll Audit & Code Classification
  • Negotiate Reclassification of Payroll
  • Claims Audit and Reserve Review

Workers’ Comp Law & Regulation

  • Integration with FMLA/ADA Downloadable (PDF & doc)
  • Cost Change Updates for Budgetary Planning

Claims Services for Insurance Programs

  • FROI – First Report of Injury
  • Claims Processing
  • Claims Monitoring
  • Review Loss Reserves
  • Interface with Carrier Claims Dept. & Rating Board

Loss Sensitive Programs

Loss sensitive programs, generally offered by commercial carriers, may include dividend plans, retrospective rating plans, or large deductible plans. Policies may have a minimum and maximum premium, such that the insured effectively pays for its losses dollar-for-dollar. The individual losses of the insured determine the final premium. Maximum premiums may be considerably greater than those in other plans, but potential savings are also greater.

All of these programs are generally recommended for very large employers (e.g. premiums exceeding $500,000.). Some collateral may be required by the insurance carrier. GCG Risk Management, Inc. acts as the Third-Party Administrator, usually providing its services for a fixed annual fee, billed monthly. GCG Risk Management, Inc. is licensed by the New York State Insurance Department both as a broker and as a casualty adjuster.

GCG will provide a quote for these programs under “Request a Proposal.”

Value-Added Services

Audit & Classification Review

  • Experience Rating Review
  • Payroll Audit & Code Classification
  • Negotiate Reclassification of Payroll
  • Claims Audit and Reserve Review

Workers’ Comp Law & Regulation

  • Integration with FMLA/ADA Downloadable (PDF & doc)
  • Cost Change Updates for Budgetary Planning

Claims Services for Insurance Programs

  • FROI – First Report of Injury
  • Claims Processing
  • Claims Monitoring
  • Review Loss Reserves
  • Interface with Carrier Claims Dept. & Rating Board
  • Third Party Claims Administration


Requiring approval of the Workers’ Compensation Board, and usually the posting of financial security, self-insurance offers the employer the opportunity to hire its own claims and safety Third-Party Administrator. Self-insurance is generally recommended for very large employers, or public entities.

GCG Risk Management, Inc. has been licensed by the Workers’ Compensation Board to represent self-insurers in New York State since 1977. Our staff of experienced claims examiners and attorneys permits us to provide a broad range of services to those employers who qualify for self-insurance Workers’ Compensation.

GCG will provide a quote for self-insurance under “Request a Proposal.”

Value-Added Services

Self-Insurance Claims Administration

  • FROI – First Report of Injury
  • Claims Processing
  • Claims Investigation
  • Payment of Indemnity & Medical Claims
  • Medical Bill Review
  • Attendance at Administrative Hearings
  • Mandatory Claims Filing Requirements
  • Establish and Review Case Reserves
  • Claims Settlement
  • Claims Apportionment
  • Workers’ Compensation Board Required Filings

Other Self-Insurance Services

  • Excess Workers’ Compensation Coverage
  • Surety & Security Requirements
  • Advice and Counsel on Administrative Changes

NYS Statutory Disability & Paid Family Leave Benefits

New York State law requires employers to provide statutory non-occupational Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits for their employees. GCG Risk Management, Inc. will secure this coverage for an employer through its preferred markets. Generally, GCG can secure this mandatory coverage at the lowest available cost to the employer in the marketplace. Coordination of Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits can prevent these claims from migrating into the Workers’ Compensation system.

GCG will provide a quote for this coverage under “Request a Proposal.”